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Tim T.Y. Ting

Name:Tim T.Y. Ting

Title:Associate Professor


       1. Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Michigan (1983)

       2. M.A. in Sociology, University of Michigan (1981)

       3. B.A. in Sociology, National Taiwan University (1977)


       1. Independent Director, China Airlines (2015~).

       2. Consultant, USC Consulting Co. (2015).

       3. Deputy Mayor of Taipei City (2011-2014).

       4. Chief Consultant, Gallup Market Corp., Taiwan (1990-2011)

       5. Chairman, Globalview Corp. (2000-2011).

       6. Independent Director, Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (2008-2011).

       7. Independent Director, Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. (2008-2011).

       8. Independent Director, Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (2008-2011).

       9. Director, Taipei Smart Card Corporation (2007).

       10. Associate Professor, NTU (1985-1997).

       11. Chairman, Public Opinion Research Foundation (1987-1991).

       12. Assistant Professor, Kansas State University (1986-1988).

       13. Associate Professor, National Chengchi University (1983-1985).


Expertise:Marketing Research, Urban Industry Marketing, Markey Survey and Research, Social Science Research, Political and Social Environmental Analysis, Public Opinion Research, Sociology.

Office phone number:+886-22871-8288 ext.7052

E-mail: tim_ting@utaipei.edu.tw


1. Tim T. Y. Ting (2014). “Innovative Measures to Cope with the Impact of Birthrate Decline on Education in Taiwan”, Keynote Speech, The 5th Pacific-Rim Conference on Education, University of Taipei.

2. “A City Which is Always Upgrading”, Deputy Mayor Speech on Taipei and Shanghai Annual Tribute.

3. “keynote Speech on 2017 Summer Universiade,” 2014 The Tenth Asia Sports Management Annual Meeting.

4. “Structural Challenges of Fewer Children of Taiwan”, 2014 Taipei Population Conference.

5. Jin-Jong Chen, Wen-yu Kuo, Ning-Yueh Chen, Tin-Yu Ting and Chun-Fang Chan, “Physical Activity Patterns and Potential Strategies for Physical Activity Promotion among Young and Middle-aged Housewives in Taiwan: Results of a Nationally Representative Telephone Survey,” Presented in the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) 140th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Oct. 27-31, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA.

6. “Fly Future of Asian Cities Guest Speech,” 2012 Boao Forum for Asia.

Research Projects:

1. Construct a marketing theoretical framework based on urban industry and city management to integrate marketing theory, decision making process, existing data files and focus on city resident’s needs. To adopt research methods of social sciences research methods to test urban industry marketing theoretical framework.

2. To conduct both quantitative and qualitative research methods in urban industry research. To apply for financial support in urban industry research with both quanti- and guali- research methods in order to train students. In the future, will set up research models in urban industry marketing research, so that if it will meet research standards of social sciences.

3. By questionnaire survey methods to test Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of environmental protection education in order to analyze achievements. Survey subjects will cover 5th and 6th grades of elementary schools and 7th and 8th grades of junior high schools in Taipei City.

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